Monday, February 25, 2019

Dr. Seuss Character Tutorial: Thing 1/2

Thing 1/2 tutorial

I am sorry to say that I have no before pictures of my materials


  • Feather boa
  • beanie (mine was thrifted)
  • Hot glue and  gun
  • Felt
  • Fabric paint pen (bold point)
  • safety pins
Steps for assembly:

I purchased a beanie in blue for my daughter and my son from my local thrift store. I also used Michaels's price match policy to get the online price at hobby lobby for the feather boas. All I had to do was show them the price at the register. I got the one with actual feathers. This post was my inspiration.

Once I had the materials, I plugged in my glue gun and started gluing the boa to the beanie. At this point, I must advise caution because I burned my fingers with the hot glue. it seeps through the knit pretty easily. Also, I recommend glueing the string that holds the feathers in the boa to the beanie for strength. If this project is being completed by a child, I recommend adult supervision.

Once my beanies were done, I tried them on my models, the monkey and the elf.

For the patches, I purchased the larger piece of craft felt and a fabric paint marker in black. At Michael's there were several available. I chose the large one with the "bold" tip. Using a pencil with 2mm lead, I traced a salad size plate (after checking proportion) onto the white felt. Then, I penciled in the design. Technically you could go crazy with this and make it look exactly like how the things look. I wasn't being that careful, so I just wrote in "Thing 1/2" on each piece of felt and traced it in the black. The last thing I did was cut it out.

Finally I pinned the patches to the front of red clothes. The Monkey will be wearing it pinned to an exercise shirt, as it is a PE day for him in school. He will be wearing plain red exercise shorts to complete the outfit.

For my daughter, I purchased a red dress from the thrift store. I personally like Savers because I do not have to search through everything. They separate by size and offer a 20% off coupon that you can use on the spot if you donate.

I decided to pin it to the inside using 4 safety pins. Alternatively you could baste it to the clothing, which would still allow for easy removal.

Here is the Elf holding her dress and hat.

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