You may have seen the Youtube videos of women discussing the contents of their makeup bags or purses... Well, this is the mommy equivalent.
What's in my Diaperbag?
- Wetbag- Because I chose reusable, I need a way to bring them back home without making a huge mess. I throw in a little deodeoizer so it all doesn't stink to high heaven.
- Toy(s- Really it's an assortment of noisemakers and things Monkey Z can chew on safely.
- Extra shirt (for me)- Yes, because the one time I decided to downsize, he pooped on everything I was wearing!
- Swaddle blanket- It makes a great light blanket in case it's not that hot, but it can also be folded over to be thicker. Also, it works as a cover for the infant seat.
- Nursing cover- I bring this everywhere because I am nursing him. I don't really pump, so I don't have to worry too much about bottles and stuff. It makes for less stuff to carry.
- change of clothes/ jacket- Inevitably he will wet or soil something, so he needs a change of clothes. Most likely, he will drool such that his shirt has not a dry thread on the front.
- Diapers- Duh, it's a diaperbag! But for me, It's cloth exclusively. I use a combination of Flip w/ pre-folds, Econobum, and Bum Genius by Cotton Babies and Grovia. I really do find it to be easy. I just throw everything in the laundry when I get home.
- Hand Sanitizer- With a baby, you need clean hands!
- Suction bulb- It looks like something you use for basting but it's actually for suctioning out bogies and other fluid so that baby doesn't choke. If you're a mom, you know.
- Saline- This is to help with the suctioning, especially if baby is sick.
- Diaper cream- I use a generic version of Bordeaux's Butt Paste that I get for $1 at Big Lots. Sure beats the $5 more I'd be paying at any other store!
- Lanolin- Decanted, of course! This is for me because I still nurse, though I haven't really used it.
- Dirty clothes bag- Much like the wet bag, it keeps his wet/dirty clothes from contaminating everything else.
- Wipes- Again, I use exclusively cloth for this category. I made my own out of inexpensive cotton flannel and thread. That's it! I use my own solution for wetting them, and I know exactly what's in it. Zany Zebra has many to choose from.
- Stain Spray- I was using this diligently to pre-treat the wipes, but then I got to thinking... They're wipes, specifically for wiping poop; I gave up. I still treat his clothes with it.
- Leisure sheet- It's just a plastic sheet much like a blanket to put on the ground so I can let Monkey Z loose.
- Camera (often in my purse instead)- I never know when there will be a Kodak moment, and the shutter lag on my phone is ridiculous.
Straps: Long- Shoulder, Short- Backpack, Printed-Stroller |
Bumble Bag with built in changing pad |
A note about diapers
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So, I know some of my readers are mommies. What do you carry with you? I am interested to know how the contents of your bag differs from mine. Maybe you carry something I didn't think of. Please take a minute to leave a comment and share for the future mommies who come across this page. I know I would have loved to get ideas before Monkey Z came along.
Check out my update here for how my diaper bag contents have changed.
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