Friday, February 24, 2012

My Hot Little (Bread) Buns

The comic idea is courtesy of the Advanced Teacher Challenge at Edublogs. I thought it would be more interesting to tell you about a mundane topic in this way.

I only recently figured out the bread maker I got. Since I am more interested in making healthy bread, there was, of course the learning curve. I ruined about 3 loaves before I just decided to start out with plain old white bead (yuck!). I never have been a fan of white bread.

Of course when I got to Target, they only had one model and one left of that model. Yeah for choice! The thing is huge, but then, I like tiny Japanese stuff. Literally the Zojirushi model I wanted (still do) is half the size at twice the price. If this one ever breaks, I'm getting the Zojirushi!

As far as the being eco-friendly goes, I make my own bread so I don't need to buy packaged stuff from the store. I also do my own pizza dough, and the title of the post comes from my hankering to do artisan-y breads. I did a braid and little buns (cute and tiny, I sense a theme...).

The way I save money with this is to buy the ingredients in bulk. I go to Sprouts and measure out only what I need and pay less per unit for it.

Having all sorts of individualized appliances makes for a bit of clutter, but in these times, who has time to make bread from scratch? I stay at home, but I think I like using the computer better than kneading bread. How do you do your baking? I'd love to hear what you use and maybe a favorite recipe. Please, take a minute to share a comment for this post.


  1. I inherited our bread machine from my sister in law when she moved recently. I loved the onion and chive bread I made, is a white bread! haha I tried my hand at cinnamon raisin bread, but I think I'm too used to the pre-packaged stuff because the kind I made seemed too dense and something about adding all that bread flour to the recipe for added gluten seems really unhealthy. :( I'd love for you to email me some of your healthier recipes!!! I need a good whole wheat everyday sandwich bread one if you have one.

    1. Thanks, Evelyn!
      I will try to email you some recipes but keep your eye on Facebook messages just in case I can't remember your email addy.
      As for recipes, I just use the ones in the book that came with the machine and then substitute from there. Also, I bought vital wheat gluten to put in with the wheat flour. It still comes out pretty heavy though. Sometimes I even throw in flax seed in place of one or two cups of flour. I haven't quite perfected it yet. The old machine seemed to be a little more flexible.
      Anyhoo, thanks for reading!
