Sorry. Once again, I only have the after picture.
Anyhoo, this is my new and improved command center. I had to do something to make it work a little better because B-chan was getting confused by the menu plan I was using.
To the left (top to bottom), I placed the monthly calendar, where I write in jobs as they come. To the right, I positioned an Organizeher weekly calendar with a line for each family member. This helps clarify any activities for specific members of the family.
Below the monthly calendar, I put a new sticker chart for behaviors I want to reinforce in the Monkey. I still have to introduce this, but he seems to be doing well with the one for potty training. He has already earned 5 toy cars and a train with it. I'll explain that (and my philosophy on candy as a reward) on another occasion.
Back at the command center, I relocated my menu board to the refrigerator because it's easier to see. I start the week on Wednesday, but most calendars start with Sunday or Monday. I needed something really customizable. Enter my day of the week magnets and a magnetic whiteboard from Daiso. I think I got the magnets at an office supply or Target on clearance, but I forget where. The nice thing about the whiteboard is its low profile. It's almost as thin as a paper. On this I write the meals that were planned in the frog planner, noting the cookbook and page.
Next to the menu plan is the list. Anything we need gets written here as we need it. Most of the grocery list goes into the frog planner, but this gives us somewhere to jot things down in the midst of craziness, like dinnertime. Then it can either be copied to the frog planner or snapped as a picture by a phone camera on the way out.
Of course I have to include the pens. My assortment has both wet and dry erase, a sharpie, and a regular ball point, for the paper calendar. I hung a fine point dry erase with eraser and the ball point from the monthly calendar for ease of access.
Ideally, B-chan and I sit down and discuss the week on Sunday night. In the best of all worlds, this time also includes the menu planning; however, it usually is a "by the seat of the pants" kind of week with menu planning happening the morning of grocery shopping.
Oh, and don't let the neatness fool you. It's been buried under the growing pile of un-dealt with mail for the last 8 months or so. What you don't see is said un-dealt with mail pile relocated next to the printer. (Again, no picture, but I will spare you.)
I know I'm not the first to feature this kind of organization, but I hope that someone can benefit from my crazy pseudo-organized life.
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