Saturday, March 28, 2020

The newest member of our family...


So, with covid-19 in full bloom and being stuck at home, I thought we might need diversions. Enter our new Veiltail Betta fish. He was quite affordable at Petco...and then we paid for all his stuff.

A new pad
A friend gifted us a 1 gallon tank. So we upgraded it with a heater, thermometer, and some live plants.

Who knew?
I never knew that betta could run $30. Some of the more fancy ones I could understand, but I was just looking for cheap.

I think the most expensive stuff was probably the moss balls and the rock with the plant growing out of it. Each was about $10, and the fish itself was about $4. So, all things considered we paid about $50 for everything except the tank setup.

Purchased items
Betta fish $4
Small yellow plant $5
Baby moss (live) $10
Rock with plant (live) $10
Thermometer $4
Heater $13
Betta pellets $5
Bloodwork treats $5
Water conditioner $6
Tank with light & aerator $0
Gravel $0

About $65 for my kid's first pet.

Keeping track
So, this pet thing will be a new adventure for all of us. We will be learning as we go. B-chan, the Monkey, and the Elf have never had a pet before. I, on the other hand, am 0-1 as far as Betta fish are concerned.

I am hoping that this teaches my littles about responsibility even more than the plants will. A garden is nice, and it's living but there's something about having an actual animal that takes it up a level. We'll see.

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