Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Easy pattern weights tutorial

For my newly rearranged office/ sewing room, I decided to make some of my own projects. Two of my projects were wood with hooks and knobs to hold things off the floor. 

The one featured in this tutorial is the pattern weights I made while waiting for paint to dry.

Tacky fabric glue
Craft clamps

  1. Cut a length of ribbon that will cover the stack of washers. I used these washers and stacked them in 4s to give me 6 weights. I also pre wrapped the washers to measure out the amount of ribbon I needed. There was probably an easier way, but this is how I did it.

  2. Next, apply glue to one end of the ribbon and place it against the stack of washers with the clamp. I found it helpful to over lap the ribbon once then clamp.
  3. Then, wrap the ribbon tightly around the stack of washers.
  4. Finally, apply glue to the end of the ribbon, wrap it, and clamp it.

  5. Once the glue dries, remove the clamp.
So here it is. Boring washers to posh sewing fabric weights.


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